Walk With Me
Christian discussion of biblical topics, and a dose of daily application. Yes the Bible is still relevant, and we find out more and more each day how relevant it has always been.
Walk With Me
Women in the Pulpit: Divine Order or Cultural Pressure?
Do women belong in the pulpit, or is this a role reserved for men? Join us as we tackle this provocative question and explore the complex subject of women pastors in Christianity. This episode was inspired by a spirited social media debate, prompting us to examine biblical perspectives on gender roles within church leadership. Our commitment is to God's word, even when it goes against societal norms. We encourage listeners to reflect on their personal beliefs and responsibilities as believers, all while aligning choices with faith rather than external pressures.
The conversation delves into the qualifications for church leadership, as outlined in scriptures such as 1 Timothy and Titus. We explore the writings of Paul and other biblical texts, which have traditionally favored male leadership in spiritual roles. Galatians 3:28 is examined to clarify its focus on equality in salvation, rather than roles within the church, underscoring the need to consider context to avoid misconceptions. By drawing on Old Testament examples, we discuss the characteristics expected of church leaders, highlighting both the importance of these roles and the rationale behind them.
Finally, we broaden the discussion to consider the traditional roles and responsibilities of men and women as portrayed in the Bible. Reflecting on the story of Adam and Eve, we stress the significance of men as protectors and providers, while recognizing the indispensable role of women as supporters in maintaining balance and order. Through engaging analogies and thought-provoking insights, we invite listeners to consider the divine instructions provided in scripture and the consequences of straying from these roles. We welcome thoughts and questions from our community, eager to continue this journey of faith and understanding together.
Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of Walk With Me. I am your host, jj. It's so good to have each and every one of you here. I love the fact that you guys listen to this podcast every week. I'm really humbled and appreciate that. I'm really humbled and I appreciate all the emails that I get and the questions. We're going to be dealing with one today.
Speaker 1:It actually spawned from a debate I was having with someone on social media. You know how those debates get. But if you have any questions biblical questions I don't really want to do political questions so if it's not directly biblical now you can ask a question. Let me finish one thought first, if you do have a question, go ahead and email me at walkwithmebiblestudy at gmailcom. Walkwithmebiblestudy at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:Now, what I was going to say before is don't ask me who I'm voting for. Like overtly political things. I'm not going. Overtly political things. I'm not going to answer. I will thank you for the email, but I'm not going to give you any answers for that, because that's the choice that you have to make between you and God. And why do I say that? I say that because what you support is what you're responsible for. So you know Paul talks about don't wish people God's speed, because if you do, don't support them. If you do, you are partakers in their sin. And that's the way I do my politics, that's the way I live my life, because I do not want to be partaking of anyone's sin. I got my own problems. I got my own sins that I fight. I got my own repentance that I have to do. I'm not going to be doing your repentance.
Speaker 1:That being said, I'm going to be dealing with a kind of a question that is sort of political, but it's political, within what we call Christianity, but I will call it churchianity, and it's a pretty touchy subject and it's amazing how people will pull scriptures out of different places to try to justify their beliefs and I say crazy, but it's really amazing. It's really amazing and I do appreciate. I so appreciate the fact that you guys are asking me about this, because you can ask anybody. You can ask a pastor, you can ask anyone of your local preachers, but you're asking me and I really do appreciate it and I even understand that sometimes local preachers or local pastors don't want to offend you or don't want to offend anyone. They kind of hem and haw about it. I have no such compunction. While I'm here for you, I'm here really for God and I have to just go by what the Bible says and I get that. You may not get a direct answer if you ask someone directly. So the question is well, and the question really became about women pastorship, female pastorship and I. It's touching because generally you don't have a lot of men that ask you this question. You have a lot of females that ask you this question and women that ask you this question, and they ask you this question not necessarily in a position of curiosity, but in what I've learned over the last two weeks, in a position of a challenge.
Speaker 1:So, that being said, some of the things I may say today may come off as a little harsh, but I'm telling you, I'm only giving you what the Word of God said. Okay, I love each and every one of you. I do not dislike any of you. I love each and every one of you. And listen to this podcast. I love you. If you don't listen to this podcast, if this is the last one you listen to, I still love you.
Speaker 1:Okay, before we get into that, I gotta do my shout out to my sponsors. Uh, two bars of lyricists with the intro and outro. He did confirm he's going to come up with some new intro outro music, so hopefully we get to change that. I'm really excited to hear about that. A big shout out to them too. Starting daily devotion that's a big step. I, I really love them, appreciate them. A big shout out to them too. Starting daily devotions that's a big step. I, I really love them, appreciate them. A big shout out to exquisite creations with tumblers. And big shout out to iron gate ministries. So, uh, that's going to be kicking off really soon. It's already official now. We just got to do the 501c3 so we can start, uh, giving out food and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:So, that being said, let's get into today's subject now. Again, it will offend some people, um, and if it, if it offends you, then you have to question why you are offended, and this is the way I am anyway. Like, even if things that that are sinful, they don't offend me because I'm not doing them. But I ask myself, why am I offended? Because it's against the word of God, or is it something I just don't like? So, that being said, let's get into it. So now, walk with me on this. You don't, we don't get to make up the rules as we see fit, and how it really, how it really came to me and how it really came to me was we were talking about something and it was really kind of off the way we were talking about it, we suddenly shifted over into women pastors.
Speaker 1:I do not, jj speaking, jj speaking do not have an issue with women preachers and what I will say that the Bible seems to be very against women pastorships, and this is by the writings of Paul, this is by the examples we have in the Old Testament of who the leaders were, who the prophets were and how. It seems to follow one thing along the Bible that God created Adam and then created Eve from Adam and then told Eve that you will be subject to your husband. Now, it's kind of weird if you're subject to your husband in the natural but not in the spiritual. It just doesn't make any sense. So a lot of people will tell me well, what about Esther and what about Deborah the judge? Well, neither one of these people, even though they were mentioned in the Bible, or Ruth, even though they were mentioned in the Bible, because they had a very pivotal role in the coming of the kingdom of God. They were not actually leaders. They were not leaders. Yet Deborah was a judge. She was a judge among many and what she did was very important. And so that's not to say women are not important in the church, women are not important in the house of god and working in the kingdom of god. Please don't get that twisted. Women are not Not shareholders or placeholders. They're not. They are a very important role.
Speaker 1:However, the Bible does not allow it, not even on a Metaphorical sense or in a literal sense. It does not say a woman should be a pastor. And if you look, if you really look around and this is really going to make a lot of people angry If you really look around to places that have women pastors or women co-pastors, or the woman's the pastor and the husband's the co-pastor, you will see a lot of confusion going on in that church. You'll see a lot of confusion going on in that congregation, a lot of things that are anti-biblical going on in that church. You'll see a lot of confusion going on in that congregation, a lot of things that are anti-biblical going on in that congregation. Now, let me stop right there and let you know that I'm not saying that women buildings or organizations without women pastors are somehow great and glorious. I'm not saying that at all. Not saying that at all.
Speaker 1:Two things can be true at the same time. You can have a man leading his flock astray, just like you can have a woman leading a flock astray. That's not the issue. What I'm telling you is that unless everything is done the way the Bible has said it to be done, you're being led astray. So one of the big scriptures that they somebody tried to use on me was Galatians 3 28. Now this is still Paul writing to the church, the Galatian church, where he says 3 28. It says there neither do nor greet, there's neither bond nor free, there's neither male nor female. You are all one in Christ Jesus. Yes, that scripture does exist, but it is now taken out of context because in this context, you read a verse or two above. Remember, that's the rule of this podcast you always read a verse or two above or a verse or two below, because context is key.
Speaker 1:What we're talking about here is not about equality in roles in the church. What we're talking about here is equality in the role of salvation. That is a huge difference, because verse 26, leading up to 28 says you are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Verse 27 says For as many of you have been baptized into Christ as put on Christ, so now verse 28 is meaning there's no difference between whether you're a Jew or a Gentile, whether you're a man or a woman, whether you're a slave person or a free person. Once you're put on Christ you belong to Christ. And if you go down one more verse, where you be Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. So again, context is key.
Speaker 1:Do not let people mislead you by taking the scripture out of context and then, you know, just making all kinds of doctrine. That's where a lot of us get lost. We are reading, we're reading a verse and saying, oh wait, what does that mean? Because the devil's right there telling you hey, this is what this may mean. What if? Uh, and what he will do is he will come to you and say he'll ask you a question and the question will be a loaded question and the question will be based on a fallacy. And that fallacy would mean like in this case well, what does that mean? Does that mean that? No, it doesn't mean that a woman could be a pastor. It doesn't mean that adultery is okay. It doesn't mean that all it means is that, in salvation, in the eyes of salvation, just getting to heaven sitting on the pew, not leading choir, not leading, it does not mean anything, whether what kind of background you are, what kind of background you have, what gender you are, what you do for a living. Now, let me just stop right there, because if you're still a stripper, you're probably going to be convicted to get out of that profession. I'm just saying, however, let's keep going.
Speaker 1:So it describes in Timothy and in Titus I believe in Ephesians no, not in Ephesians In 1 Timothy 3 and 2, 1 Timothy 3 and 12, and then in Titus 1 and 6. Titus 1 and 6. It all basically describes the descriptions of the officiants, in other words, the pastors, the deacons, any of these things, and they all say the same thing. Let's go with 1 Timothy 3 and 2. A bishop, which means a pastor, must be blameless, which means he can't have any sin. He's got it. So all these people who are telling us, hey, you can't live without sinning, I'm telling you right now the Bible says a bishop must be blameless, which means he can't have sin in his life, then the husband of one wife. One wife, not the wife of a husband not married to one person. The husband of one wife. It is very specific Vigilant, which means he's always got his eyes open, he's always looking out Sober Okay, he's not drunk Of good behavior. He doesn't pop off at the mouth. That's what JJ has a problem with. Probably not a pastor yet, but given the hospitality mouth, that's what JJ has a problem with. Probably not a pastor yet, but given the hospitality aptitude not given to wine, again, it was so important that Paul had to mention it again.
Speaker 1:No, striker, not somebody who greedy. Now people will use that verse right there and say you can't be rich. No, no, no, no. Not greedy of filthy lucre, not that he has it, not that he has money. He's not greedy of filthy lucre to the point where he's willing to do anything or say anything to get the dollar. And that should have made a whole bunch of so-called male preachers or male pastors pop into your head right there.
Speaker 1:But patience. Bunch of so-called male preachers or male pastors pop into your head right there. But patient. You got to be patient with people. You got to be able to tell you hey, man, god loves you, but he doesn't love your sin. You know, not a brawler, he's not running around in the street corners. If you know somebody says something against god, you know, just run up and punch him in the mouth.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, not that Not covetous. Not covetous means listen. God gave me this flock. I don't want your flock. God gave me this one, and I don't want to. And even in my personal life. You got a nice car, I want a nice car too. No, our job is I'm saying our, like me.
Speaker 1:But the job of a bishop is to only be concerned with what God wants us to do, one that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection, with all gravity. Again, we're talking about not only is the bishop being able to control his church or control himself, but now also to control his house. And then, if he can't rule his first five, he doesn't know how to rule his own house. How should he take care of the church of God? So, and it goes further and further and further into what the qualifications of a bishop is, and this is just, just just a bishop.
Speaker 1:But he does not stop there. He does talk about the role of the wise In the bishop's life. So in verse 11 and you should just read the entire chapter, this is a good chapter, just to read To know. Even so, must their wise be grave? In other words, I'm not saying they gotta have the upside down Bitter church lady face. They have to be a serious person. Because you know why? Because when, when the devil can't get that bishop, he's coming for that wife. He is coming for that wife, and you will see, if you have not seen it yet, you will.
Speaker 1:A lot of quote unquote pastors, wives and I'm saying that in quotes, because what happens is they come for the wife. The wife starts doing stuff that doesn't even make any sense. And then there was I can't remember the name of that pastor, but his wife started running around and revealing clothing and talking about how God told her to do this. And this is not a bishop's wife, not slanderous, sober, faithful in all things, going back to 1 Timothy, chapter 3. So the women do have a very serious role in this, but basically it is to support the man of God who can then protect you. That's where a lot of this is really getting off track here. It is to support the man of God who can then protect. You See, that's where a lot of this is really getting off track here, and I'm just going to diverge a little bit, because this is where we this is, I think, where we as men, have failed Our job.
Speaker 1:From the beginning of beginnings, adam and Eve our job was to protect the wife. Our job is to protect the wife, protect and provide. That was our job. Not in the garden so much, because God provided. But Adam was lazy in the fact that he did not protect his wife and we can go back and look at the description. Maybe we will, maybe that'll be our subject next week but Eve was allowed to be seduced by the devil because Adam wasn't there. And even so, much now we have, as men, have pretty much responded to our abilities, our responsibilities as far as the women that we are supposed to protect. And so then they get out of line, because they know when I say out of line, I don't mean that to be misogynistic, but they get out of their roles that they're supposed to be, that they were created for, and try to take on a role that we were supposed to be for. But we fell out of that role and got lazy and and try to take on a role that we were supposed to be for, but we fell out of that role and got lazy, and so now the whole thing is upside down.
Speaker 1:Let's continue in. 1 Timothy, 3 and 12. I told y'all at the beginning that some of y'all may not listen after today, so let's continue. 1 Timothy, 3 and 12. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife. So the deacons. 3 and 12. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife. So the deacons. And we ain't talking about you know, we're not talking about having a bunch of mistresses, we got one wife. Yeah, the deacons should be almost as blameless as the bishops Ruling their children and their own house as well, for they that have used the office of the deacon will purchase to themselves a good degree with great boldness in their faith with the Christ Jesus. So again, this is Paul telling Timothy that you know, because where he was at they had a lot of followers, everybody running around trying to be fast.
Speaker 1:If you see that now in certain communities it's like a church on every corner and no one is preaching the full truth, like it's a little bit over here and a little bit over there, and some of it over here and some of it over there, and there's always some sort of kind of ungodliness in it, some sort of kind of ungodliness in it. And again, I'm just saying. I'm just saying that when people use these scriptures out of context, it really sort of takes away from the idea that God is there to rescue us from death. When you start talking about, well, what about the pastors? What about this? What about that? What about this? What about this? Hey, what we're trying to do is escape hell, and if we're trying to escape hell, we've got to follow the instructions.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I learned when I first started cooking was you can't take shortcuts. For instance, I used to fry chicken. I love frying chicken. I know that sounds cliche To a lot of people. That sounds very simple. I love frying chicken. I love taking the chicken after you've cleaned it. So, yeah, you gotta clean it apparently. So you take the chicken, you put it in the egg, you put it in the batter mix and then you fry it. Well, one day I got a wild hair in my face and said, hey, why don't I mix the egg and the flour? Right, because you got the flour, you got the egg, you got the flour. We'll put it all in one together and let's just skip a step Right.
Speaker 1:What I came out with, and and stacy, whatever, oh what, what? What I came out with was this big, monstrous thing that was like eight times the size of a piece of chicken. The outside of it was burnt and the inside of it was raw. At At the end of the day, it was inedible. It didn't work.
Speaker 1:We cannot walkers. We cannot. We cannot take the steps that God has given us and try to shortcut it. We cannot, and as men of God, as women of God, we all have a role to play. Only when I did that did I realize that the role of the egg was not to be mixed with the flour. The role of the egg was to have the flour stick to the chicken, and this is the way that God did that for us.
Speaker 1:The role of the man is and a lot of people take this is that, okay, the man gets to rule over everything. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not how this goes. That's not how this goes. It's not like we are kings and women are just lowly servants Without women, without women to support us in that role. That job becomes increasingly difficult. That job really becomes increasingly difficult. And one of the things Paul said was that, yeah, I'm not going to marry because basically he doesn't want that trouble. Now, that's not to say that, okay, you know, ministers should marry. We have an organization that does that and guess what kind of problem that they have? They're getting lawsuits every six weeks. Somebody's paying out a settlement from something that happened ten years ago, but he clearly says let the deacons have one wife, let the bishop be husband of one wife, and we can go into Solomon, we can go into instances where people had more than one wife and how that ended up being a problem.
Speaker 1:Important to understand that things like this take away from the argument or take away from the time that we should be talking about how God can save people from drugs and alcohol. God can save people from mental illness. God can save people from sinful lives. I mean, we literally have a person over in the UK and I'm trying not to be too graphic, because this is a family show about a woman being with a thousand men in 12 hours. First it was a hundred men in a day, then she did a thousand in a day and then another one said I could do twice that many and apparently they did. And it's insane, y'all. And I mean, do you understand that? The amount of mental and spiritual damage you do to that that's. But you know we say that that stuff, society is saying, oh, that's funny, let's click on that. But God can save you from that kind of stuff. God can save you from that kind of stuff.
Speaker 1:God can save you from that one-upism that seems to have taken the world by storm these days. I mean, how do you think some of these other things got started? It's more of a one-upism. I'm a weirder person than you, so show me attention. I'm a weirder person than you, so show me attention. I'm a weirder person than that guy. Show me attention. Where is that fervor for living for God? And I'm not talking about being holier than thou, that's a completely different story.
Speaker 1:That's a completely different problem that people have and people do that and when you see it, it's really off-putting towards people who are looking for God, because oh well, I could quote more scriptures than you this turns into a contest and we don't want that contest sort of shift in the church. We don't want that in our spiritual lives because it ends up leading us astray. And this is where the term covetous comes in, as far as being a bishop. Hey, listen, you've got 200 members, that's great. I've got two members, that's good. You know why? Because this is what God gave you. This is what God told me to do.
Speaker 1:And so now the problem is that when you say this is what God told you to do, can you line that up with the word of God? The reason why I say that is because what people will say then is that well, what about these female pastors say well, god told me to preach. Well, that could be true. God could have told them to preach. Just like Deborah is a judge, just like Esther was a queen, they were still subject to a male ruler. I get that in this day and age, that's not popular. So please understand, I'm not saying that women are worthless. That's what the devil will probably tell you right now. I'm not saying that women are worthless.
Speaker 1:Women play a very vital supporting role. It helps men carry that load. It's a very heavy load. On the same token, we now have a position to protect. We're in a position now we have to protect them. We have to protect them not only from the wiles of the devil, but we also have to protect them from the voices coming out of the world.
Speaker 1:About how I could get into another whole discussion. We're running out of time. We got to protect our women. We got to protect our women. We talked about how women are supposed to love their wives. But what about the other women? I'm not saying we love them. I'm saying we have to protect our daughters, our nieces, our sisters. We've got to protect them, too, from the voices of the world trying to lead them astray. So maybe, just maybe, this would be like episode one of a Bible study, to where we talk about the roles of men and women. There are distinct roles. There are. We'll do that. We'll talk about it.
Speaker 1:If you have any questions. Hopefully I spawned some questions in your mind. If so, hit me up at walkwithmebiblestudy at gmail. Walkwithmebiblestudy at gmail. Tell us what you want to talk about. If you want your name in the subject mentioned in the podcast, put it in the subject line, like our friend did last week. But hey, listen, I'm here for you. I'm here for you. I love you all. Tell somebody that Jesus loves them. Tell somebody that Jesus died for them for no cost at all. All right, love you all, god bless. You See y'all in the next one.