Walk With Me

The Fruit of the Spirit: What is it, really?

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome to today's episode of Walk With Me. I'm your host, jj, and welcome to everyone who's here we are the viewers and welcome, welcome, welcome to the journey. I just want to talk about this, the reason why this show is called Walk With Me. It's not really about walking with JJ, it's about walking with Christ, walking in newness of life. The Bible will frequently refer to this as a walk, something that is a long-term thing. So I do thank each and every one of you who are new, telling others about this podcast, liking and sharing. Thank you all so much.

Speaker 1:

A big shout out to our sponsors, two Bars Lyricist. Let me end on the outro. I'm praying for him right now. He just recently had a loss in the family, but you know what God is good and even in the times when he's having sad tears, god is still good, he's still coming right. A big shout out to his physical creation and we're still creation for her healing. And each and every one of you in your respective place I know I can go down and just start, you know thanking God for each and every one of you. This episode will be 18 hours long, but thank you each and every one of you for continuing to listen and send me questions and talk and have conversations on the various platforms. Thank you all. So so much A big shout out to our overarching, llc, iron Gate Ministries. And, like I said, guys, there is some big news coming. I can see it coming, I just don't know when it'll get here. So y'all just continue to pray for us, because this is gonna be big and not necessarily like big easy, it's gonna be big hard. So love each and every one of you. Thank you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you All.

Speaker 1:

Right, so we're going to get into our lesson today, our episode today, and one of the things that we talk about a lot, especially whether we are miniature for a little bit or we're just starting out on this walk. You've probably heard it it's called fruit of spirit. Now, it's important that we really delve into what that really is, because you hear it, you hear it misconstrued and talked about. My gosh, people twist it. It comes out in really squirrely ways and really squirrely doctrines, really, really doctrines. But you know, the fruit of the Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit, the singular fruit, singular need, singular spirit, singular right. We're going to talk about that and this actually is one of the questions that we were talking to somebody about a couple weeks ago when they were like well, how do you really know that you have the fruit of the spirit? And I know the bible talks about it, people talk about it, kind of touch on it.

Speaker 1:

We're going to kind of go into a little more depth today, right, uh, when we talk about scripture today, we do have that one rule of the podcast first off, welcome if we talk about off, welcome if we talk about a scripture. Your assignment is to read a verse or two above the verse or two below. It doesn't matter what you hear on this podcast, what you hear on somebody else's podcast or you hear somebody say across the pulpit if it's taken out of context, you almost should just get rid of it, because it's easy to take two scriptures that have nothing to do with each other together to say exactly what you want to say and it just be contrary to how the bible presents itself. That's how you see a lot of these weird topics, but a lot of people get it. So we're going to talk about that, but keep that homework assignment in mind. Verse 2 above. Verse 2 below. Verse 2 below Alright, let's get started Now.

Speaker 1:

If you look at Galatians 5.2, it's one of the big things that people like to talk about and it's just the spirit of joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness and goodness. Thank you, thank you, thank you Again. It's such a good thing. It's not wrong or like. It's such a good thing. It's such a good thing, it's no wrong, right, there's no rules. Jesus, 5 and 9, says the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. So what is the fruit of the Spirit? Now, if you go back and you try to follow things to the one thing, it actually makes you kind of think that there is more than one fruit to the Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get one thing straight from the very beginning. Two important things you gotta understand is that one, this word proof is not a word that's gonna prove it. You're not trying to prove it or intercept it from one another, but basically you're trying to like it. If one of these three is born, then it's kind of like a grace being a grace, right? So if the grace is a grace, then each one of these grace is being a grace, which is great. I know, I know. I think I just totally ruled that out.

Speaker 1:

I had to explain it in a different way. So let's start over. This is a way to do it. Let's go If you have, if you have great. Let's stay with the red. You have a green grape, a white grape, you have a red grape, you have a blue grape, red grapes, purple grapes, all these different varieties. Now, with all these different fruits based on the same family, they're all going to be purple, they're all going to be green, they're all going to be red, they're all going to be sea level. They're all going to be that same way. This is what I mean by this is one fruit, not several fruits. It's all one fruit.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that we have to understand is that this is the fruit of the Spirit, not my fruit, not the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of the pastor, but the fruit of the Spirit. And so this is not that he was the first to have done it, but he was the first to have done it, because there is when he talks about this group. In that context, he's recap. Let's look at the three groups. One group is a bunch of grace is one group. Now we may divide that group into three different definitions or studies.

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One. We can do it with God, with love, joy and peace In relation to the man, wrong suffering and gentleness and peace and the relationship that we have with God, and wrong suffering and goodness. And then, more importantly, the ways to set to ourselves, because we can put on a good face all day long, but how do we look at ourselves? And then we have faith, weakness and forgiveness, and I'm have faith, weakness and deference, and I'm going to tell you all this. I tell everything. There are some fruits that happen, happen, both of these.

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A temperance is a difference. That means that my temperance is not because of where I'm from. Thank you, go to Walmart, go to your local store, and if you ever see my food, it looks great and it had a whole bunch of anemic, a whole bunch of underdeveloped, and now all of the development has to be done. So if I tell you, walker, that I need to work on my temperament and I need to work on my humility, that means the rest of us here in the world is also also under the gun. I know it is not the only way to do it, but it is absolutely the only way.

Speaker 1:

Now there are some principles that we have to remember, when the spirit of God lives in you, you know it lives in the heart of you. It's there to do a work, is in order for you to make the best of it. So if you stand for a reason, it's just not there to be taken down, it's not there to be holier than thou. It's there to be held by the king and follow the president. All the church does is go into the place of you, of us, of you, of us, of you, of us, of you, of us, of you, of us, of you, of us, of. We'll be right back. You know that there are some people who are not any bigger than you. That's what we want to do. No, the Holy Spirit does bring enjoyment to your heart. It does. The Holy Spirit will come to you with happiness. It is not just a toy. It is not just a toy, it's not just a toy. It is not just a toy. It's not just a toy. It's just a toy. You know, when you eat a turkey and then when you get out in the world, you just kind of put it away. It's something that is living within you and as long as it's living within you, it will produce a food.

Speaker 1:

Now, the third one is a little tricky and I'll explain. Because the principle is the food is born on the land. So basically, what happens when there's a definite need that arrives like we were talking about earlier with AJ and his temperance the Holy Spirit will bear the fruit to meet that need. So the Holy Ghost in you will help you develop that need. So let's just say we've been on a journey of life and death and that's what we're going to do. We're going to have two options we can just get married and go back to God's kingdom, or we can just turn the other team and take it down.

Speaker 1:

I cannot honestly tell you that my spirit for fruit is the belt and I'm I'm still working. You know, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, I feel nervous, thank you. So the reason why your lungs get bigger is because you're lifting heavier weights and your body recognizes that you need to have bigger muscles to lift that weight, which kind of defeats the purpose, because the next thing we do is go out and lift more weight. Well, the fruit of the exposed, the Holy Ghost, will create something in you, and I'm really oversimplifying it. He will create something in you to cover that, to cover that thing and I'm really over simplifying it but create something in you, cover that, cover that in you, and when you cover that in you, it actually allows Through the spirit. You can hear it. I hope I explained it to you, but if you have any questions, you all know it's easy to get. That's my piece. I love follow up questions, thank you.

Speaker 1:

And the best way to do it is to put on a good face. Now, to be clear, what I just said makes no sense. Yeah, putting on a good face is sometimes a mess, but please understand that putting on a good face is a right thing. There are certain chances that what we'll create Please understand that putting on a face in the right circumstances is what will create the need for that new spirit of people. And this happening is going to be well-rounded. Well-rounded.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make sense for us must claim to be mean. We don't think that we need to be mean. We don't think that we got a party to do it doesn't work. We try it. Oh, trust me, we try it and then, hopefully, the Holy Ghost will fix us, and then we have to get off that road and then hopefully the Holy Ghost will fix us, and then we have to get all family to be true, or we, you know, we say we have temperance, but we don't have long suffering, and by long suffering that generally means you know, hey, I'm going to be patient with you, because you don't really know what you're doing. You think you do, but you don't, but I don't have temperance. So, even though I keep giving, have temperance, thank you. You know, just being in the that's not good at the moment, but I got work. I was not supposed to. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I.

Speaker 1:

I always told myself a person who's really bad just don't tell me what to tell you, because he never does it first and he doesn't get a vibe All you did was just tell that person that there was nothing positive. So this is and these are not this right. Here is the Holy Spirit. I don't know what you're doing, this is what God's doing and by all means here, allow it. You will be able to protect yourself, improve yourself in a spiritual sense, and by improving yourself you're defending yourself. You can break the block. That's what it means. Right, you can break the block. You cannot fail. If you enjoy, you know, being grateful, I was like, great, yeah, first off, you can break my block. That's what it means. You're like first and we don't allow our children to grow to mature and we don't protect them from growing like they're supposed to, and we just keep on doing the same exact thing that we've been doing. It's really not going to help.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the things that you now realize you realize it's okay, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens, it happens. God bless you. Um, thank you. This thing is not going to physically stop you from messaging. It's not going to force you to make a comment. It's not going to happen. What happens is it will warn you. Hey, I love you on in there and you can keep going in there, because if you go in there, you're going to go in your way. Now you can feel overriding and if you override it, you're just losing it. But this is what that field does. It's established that God holds you. If you believe that God holds you, you will pay more attention to the Holy Spirit. You will pay more attention to the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Now again, like I said at the beginning, the Holy Ghost does work in its power to learn from God. This is a life changing. This is how people really get over this. They can take it, they can drug, they can just steal it, or they can put everything in their name. This is how they do it. Have the Holy Ghost in your life, hold them, hold them out of that. There's all that stronghold now. And if we build them from the inside out, I can tell you, I can tell you. Here's one thing that made me a little addicted. I was addicted. I was telling somebody this the other day. I didn't have a drug problem. I guess you saw a woman. My biggest addiction was anger and it was only through the Holy Ghost that I realized that. After I got the Holy Ghost, it was been some time that I didn't get as angry as I used to and it was almost like I didn't even realize that it was gone. But it also.

Speaker 1:

A monocle does not provide a cure. We just know. We just know you've got a monocle therapy. It's a different type of way. It's not faith, like I've always thought. It's faith that I'm in a state where I'm filled with and I'm with no one. I'm not, I live no longer.

Speaker 1:

And if you can't, you can't do it, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if you have to, even if, thank you, maybe it's not marriage, maybe it's love, whatever it is, I'm gonna feel the love. Don't have to be the way you say. It is Gotta be that way with me, and I've only not brought that, I've got a hunch. I'm never gonna feel, feel, no wonder, guys, thank you, one of the things that I do and I was basically kind of like a goblin, kind of like hey, watch your mouth, and I didn't listen, and so this is now the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I later fell out with that district manager over a book signing and I got fired, I thought about it like how did that happen to me? And God said I got you and he gave me a little temporary job and then I felt like, oh man, I know I'm worth more than this. And God said oh yeah, you're worth more than that. And I immediately realized that my humility had been lacking at the same time. Not three weeks later, twice as much. And then the next year my salary doubled, and my salary doubled every year for the next couple years.

Speaker 1:

So please understand when the Holy Spirit is dealing with you. Pay attention to it. Pay attention to it, because God is trying to tell you something and we could either ignore it, end up losing the Holy Ghost, because that does happen. Don't let anyone tell you that you can just do whatever you want and the Holy Ghost will just stick around and just be your friend and just be okay with you, and just be okay with you regardless of how the time we spent together. I'm not going to tell you how bad you are. It's not how that works. God is going to tell you that he's going to do it, and if you keep doing it, that's kind of I don't know. There is no specific formula. You can be three times and God is the savior of your life. I don't know what that is, because God sees your heart like you do, but at some point I just wonder what God is going to do and how he's going to do that and those other, those other traits we talked about.

Speaker 1:

It is temporary. Those are just the periods in your life and you got to spend. If you're not paying attention to that, you'll end up reprobating, and the first place to be in this particular city is reprobating. This is for you. We found a time to make you a call is here in the city. Is her for basic? This is for you. We've run out of time, but I want to thank you all for joining us today. If you have any questions, please, please, please, please, please, email me at and if you have any other questions, please feel free to send me a message. Thank you all for liking, sharing and helping people. I can't thank you. I have someone tell me that Somebody sent me a message, someone that used to love me. I don't know where that came from. So if you see somebody out there, let's say they think you have a good relationship with them. That may be the time to make your decision, all right.